FinWizdom is a unique podcast series dedicated to financial education. Learn about investment concepts and various psychological influences that can potentially help you make more informed decisions about your money in a fun and engaging way. Visit www.finwizdom.com to learn more.
22 episodes
Your friendship sucks
Tis the season...or is it? Are you more of a giver or a taker? Regardless if you have been extra naughty or extra nice, either one can foster regrets that impact your financial decision-making. (And don't let the title make you thin...
Season 5
Episode 4

Eternal damnation awaits
Have you always been a good egg when it comes to your money? Learn about the influences of moral regrets and the seven deadly sins of financial behavior.
Season 5
Episode 3

Staying at home is unsafe
What does the Wizard of Oz story and playing it safe have to do with managing your money? Listen to the second episode of Season 5 as we follow the yellow brick road to FinWizdom.

If I only had a crystal ball
Past performance DOES impact future results...if you allow it to influence your financial decisions. In this episode, learn how regrets are impacting your ability to manage your money and how you can change them to a positive influence.
Season 5
Episode 1

Revealing the secret sauce
In one of the most unique FinWizdom episodes to-date, be prepared to take a walk in the woods with a very special guest who is a money relationship integrator. Join us as we discuss and reveal the secret sauce to achieving financial well-being....
Season 4
Episode 3

Our love affair with IKEA
There's a reason why you love shopping at IKEA and it may not be what you were expecting. This mysterious rationale is also impacting the way you manage your money. Listen to this special episode where we interview customers of this...
Season 4
Episode 2

If I can't play, then it's no fun
Whether you realize it or not, you're engaged in playing games daily...you just might not realize it. Discover its attraction over us and how it is influencing your decisions about money.
Season 4
Episode 1

BONUS: Life is short...but don't short-change your lifestyle
What could a mouse, a cookie and New Year's resolutions all possibly have in common? Find out in this very special, bonus episode of FinWizdom where we explore how your lifestyle choices impact your financial decision-making.

Bullied by the Group
Having trouble deciding what's for dinner tonight? You may have a craving for a particular flavor, but are you feeling pressure from friends or family to choose something different? You may even feel bullied into submission into something you d...
Season 3
Episode 5

What's the special ocassion?
Remember playing the game rock-paper-scissors? A harmless game in your youth, but not so harmless game when metaphorically experiencing it when making financial decisions. If you have ever been moody, or know someone who is often moody, you are...
Season 3
Episode 4

I know what to do
Do you feel manipulated by "experts" when seeking to make decisions? Is it further confusing when the reviews and recommendations are inconsistent for the same challenge you desire to overcome? Failure to recognize how one's past experiences sh...
Season 3
Episode 3

I don't like you
How much do personal relationships influence your judgment and your financial decisions? Find out in this episode of FinWizdom as we continue the discussion about the newer concept of noise and behavioral variability, and their impact on ...
Season 3
Episode 2

Your Reward is Punishment
Do you remember Halloween when you were a child and looked forward to trick or treating? But sometimes you were a little frustrated, because the goodies you received were sometimes less desirable than others. Well, believe or not, you're relivi...
Season 3
Episode 1

Anchors Away
What would sink a perfectly good ship sitting in a harbor on a beautiful sunny day? And how in the world does this matter or even connected to financial decision-making? Find out in this season's last episode of FinWizdom!
Season 2
Episode 5

I changed my mind
How can it be...with so many tasty flavors of jam to choose from that I'm less likely to buy anything at all?!! Learn how freedom of choice can sometimes become quite restraining and how this impacts your ability to manage your money.....
Season 2
Episode 4

Navigationally Challenged
The decisions we make are often influenced by our past experiences. For those with less life experiences, you are more likely to be heavily influenced by analytics and peer groups. Either way, to avoid the pitfalls that may impact money managem...
Season 2
Episode 3

I've Been Framed
We often make decisions based on the way information is presented, as opposed to just on the facts themselves. The same facts presented in two different ways can lead us to make different judgments or decisions. Can you see beyond the border...
Season 2
Episode 2

Temper Tantrums
Financial decision-making is impacted by our emotions. And financial decision-making, just like economics, considers people as pure rational beings, which we are not. It's almost as if...we are throwing temper tantrums when it comes to manag...
Season 2
Episode 1

Needs and Nickels
An interesting little game using imaginary nickels can lead to real insights into what motivates you and the needs that you are seeking to satisfy. Find out why this matters to managing your money...today on FizWizdom.
Season 1
Episode 4

Early Temptations
As a toddler (or even today), could you avoid the temptations of a marshmallow? Find out how this self-control experiment helped to predict the futures of a group of preschoolers...and possibly your own ability...to manage your money. &nb...
Season 1
Episode 3